Now more than ever for the past two years, people have been working out indoors. Not only have they been working out indoors, but our homes have taken the place of gyms, yoga studios, daycares, and for many the workplace. Working out has a positive effect and direct correlation of increased improvements in other areas such as work and relationships with family and friends. We also know that working out produces endorphins which are our natural mood-boosters. So how can you stay focused and more productive for your indoor workouts?
Here are the best six productivity tips to become more focused and productive during indoor workouts and indoor workouts at home.
1. Declutter Your Workout Space
In yoga, the meaning of yoga is the “union with oneself”, which doesn’t include having a space where you practice full of shoes, clothes, toys, and magazines surrounding you. If you are practicing yoga indoors or at your home, your space should be clear and free of any clutter that is not included in your yoga practice to allow you to focus on the practice of yoga. Being surrounded by clutter isn’t helpful in your practice because it can cause distraction and lead to an injury if you happen to trip and fall over on an item.
If your indoor workout includes weight training, it is even more important to make sure the area that you’re using is decluttered. If your indoor workout requires using weights, make sure that they are located in close proximity to you. Knowing where all your equipment is located during your workout will allow for fewer accidents and will allow you to stay on track for the time you have allotted for your workout. Being prepared and placing your equipment out before you begin will eliminate you having to leave the room and search for your workout equipment.
2. Having a Workout Schedule
Planning for your workouts and having a set time for your workout will allow you to stay on a set schedule and get more done during the day. Having a workout schedule will increase productivity with your workout and your other tasks. Prioritizing this will bring more structure and focus to your daily life.
3. Having a Workout Plan
Planning your workouts in advance will help you with becoming more productive when working out indoors. A workout plan can include a 7-, 14-, or 21-day pre-planned workout program. You can find programs online or with a trainer that suits your needs. If you have a designated time in your schedule for a workout and you have a pre-planned workout ready with your workout equipment in place, you are on the right track to hitting all your fitness goals.
4. Turn off Electronics Receiving constant notifications for social media and emails can easily distract you from your workout. Take the time to put your phone on, “Do Not Disturb” while you workout to allow you to focus on your workout. It is even better to completely turn your phone off. A recent research study by Asurion shows that Americans check their phones 96 times a day, and from recent studies done two years prior to the study by Asurion that percentage increased by 20%. Eliminating your scroll time during your workout will allow you to become more productive working out indoors.
5. Stretching
The most important part of any workout that is often overlooked or rushed through is stretching. Every workout should include stretching before you begin your workout and after you complete your workout. By breaking down your workout in parts you are shifting your focus on your goals of that particular workout and increasing your productivity by having focus on what you want to accomplish in that workout session. By becoming more focused on your stretching before and after your workout you will see improvement in your workout goals. Stretching also helps prevent injury.
6. Have an Accountability Partner
Having an accountability partner is an incredible way to stay on track with your goals and to produce results. By having someone else other than yourself to hold you accountable, you are likely to stay on track with your indoor workouts. So, what is an accountability partner? The term, “Accountability Partner”, which gained much popularity in the 1990’s, is when you have an individual or a team who is holding you accountable to reach your goals. By having an accountability partner you are much more likely to focus on your workouts, complete your workouts, and see the overall benefits of at-home and indoor workouts.
By implementing these six tips for indoor workouts you will see an increase in your productivity. Working out indoors can be just as beneficial as working out outside. Studies have shown that exercise has immediate benefits to your health and cognitive skills in both older and younger adults. Moderate Exercise in your home and indoors for as little as 15 minutes can drastically improve your life. Have you tried any of the tips? Do you have an accountability partner? We would love to hear from you.
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